Expedice MEDÚZA
Expeditions Medúza (“jellyfish“) are organised by members of the CSS since 2003. They lead to karst plateau Dalovica in nothern part of Montenegro. Principal effort is devoted to the Dalovica pecina cave (also known as Pecina nad Vrazjim Firovima), which Serbian cavers discovered in 80´s
Members of the CSS got through 2 sumps at the end of the cave within 6 expeditions and found new parts - 3 km long, where the largest space “Big Brother“ has diameters 100.x.40.x.20.m.
Exploration in distant section of the cave is complicated by difficult logistics and trasport of heavy diving gear many km into the cave.
There are also other caves in this region; in 2004 the Brno cave, 500 m long, was found. In 2008 speleodiving survey of the Jurisko Vreljo resurgence started. 350 m of length and 50 m of depth has been reached there until now